
We’re not adding to the already 200 apps that you have on your phone. I don’t know about you, but I have app-fatigue. Give me that kind of lo-teck.

Leverage apps that everybody has on their phones and uses. Apps that are easy to find. Who doesn’t know where their messenger is? or their Email? Give me that kind of lo-tech.

Think this way… if you knew you were going to run several errands every day using your bike, probably you wouldn’t park it in the next block. You’d want it on your porch, or in your hallway. Lo-teck is a choice. And it’s a good one. Give me that kind of lo-tech.

Right Size technology – AI is just one more way for huge companies to dominate markets for products and services. We consciously reject the proposition that AI can and should solve all of our computing problems. We don’t use it.

The Carbon footprint of AI is calculated to be huge!

Low-tech is Less toxic.

What does high-tech look like?

High-tech is the visually beautiful app that you need to use Search to find and includes ticket to pop-up hell.

High-tech is the new security vulnerability where you provide all your login information to your bank accounts to one more poorly-secured application on the web.

High-tech is all the oomphlahs and tabordens that are supposed to make your life easier (but don’t).

And don’t kid yourself thinking this is once and done.

High-tech is… once you build the app, you get on the constant treadmill of refresh and update where you get a new look and feel and a refreshing sense of complete disorientation. Where you don’t know where to go to do what.

We are not high-tech.